MonthSeptember 2018

Parts and Patience

Parts started showing up for the NAS build! Yay. Bad part is all I get to do at this point is look at them, The balance are due today so tonight I can actually start assembling the box.

Patience is watching 9 TB of data being moved around to free up the first set of drives I need to install in the new system. It’s like watching grass grow. Thankfully I stacked a few projects together and knew I would be waiting for parts to ship. But OMG it takes forever.

I pulled extra cables from my home lab setup into the house. One went to the AV cabinet and one into my office. They will be the link between the switches on their own VLAN which I can then route. The idea was to isolate heavy load transfer such as video or music away from normal use data. It will be nice having a 10 GB backbone when I begin moving the data from the other NAS boxes I plan to scavenge disks from.

I pulled all of the unused wire from behind my AV cabinet and was pleased with the result. It’s now a smaller rats nest than before. Only color coded. I swapped out all the mismatched patch cables with black ones except for critical ones which I kept colored. Red for critical, yellow for interconnects and black for devices. I had to laugh when I did it thinking I’m the only one that knows where all this shit goes and someone looking would think it’s just a rats nest of wire and cable. To me it’s cool, so there!


So it’s early Saturday morning. I’m kind off feeling let down. A negative about living in a small town and leaving the 24/7/365 lifestyle of Southern California is that Amazon doesn’t deliver same day. Hell I think they have to pay extra to get some dumb ass to drive through the desert to bring shit here! Hazard pay!

I’m down to waiting on two orders, one being additional RAM which I could go forward with what I have to do the initial testing of the system. The other is the two SSD drives that will hold the OS. That’s a show stopper! All dressed up and nowhere to go.

Offloading the first of three NAS boxes I had was a true lesson in patience. It ran almost the entire day and finished up last night. I stripped off the trays and loaded the drives in the new case. I save all kinds of stuff and was able to use two colors of SATA cables red for the SSD OS drives and blue for the data pool drives. It’s cool looking and it’s mine so say what you want about color coding the SATA cables. I don’t care.

Big Fricken Hurricane!

I feel for everyone on the East Coast this week. Sucks. What a price to pay to live where you want to live. There are so many sides to this away from the human element.

The media just feeds on it. Devastation and death, and Trump of course! With that in mind I’m sure this is his fault somehow. It will be connected to him lightening the restrictions on coal power and in turn global warming in turn….it’s his fault. He’s a goofy guy sometimes but to have the entire left wing media, except Fox, gunning for you has got to be hard. I don’t think Obama could have done it. Hillary. Enough said. They can’t even admit to Benghazi. Can you imagine the smoke screen trying to cover up a hurricane!

I hear people complain about Trump and I can get them to shut up 90% of the time with a single question. Would you rather have Hillary? The true blue Hillary lemmings, you know them, they’re still crying, will follow the Clinton’s off the cliff.

Wait! A thought!

I thought there were a shit load of Trump haters that were going to leave the country if he won? What happened? Rosie’s still here. Bahar is still here. Shit! It didn’t work.

Good Luck Carolina’s, Georgian’s and all who are in harms way. Don’t be stupid, don’t take dumb risks and hold the hell on. If there’s one thing this country is good at it’s helping each other when we’re in trouble. You can donate to the Red Cross by clicking the link below. Don’t be a schmuck. A couple bucks won’t kill you. Just think of the stupid shit you spend money on. Sell your aluminum cans or something.

NAS Build is underway!!!!

I started ordering the parts for my NAS build. You can follow the process as I put it together….or not. You know me, I don’t really care either way. This crap just occupies my brain.

NAS Build

Obama and the Left are Rewriting History? What!

Tell them it didn’t happen!Image result for date of benghazi attack

OMG! I felt sick to my stomach when I heard the words come out of Obama’s mouth. I’m embarrassed and scared all at the same time. Embarrassed that our country would allow this to happen, embarrassed that our media allows it to happen and scared shitless that our kids will not even know it happened.

Image result for date of benghazi attackThe Left is writing them off to erase a mistake. Yup, I said it. It was a mistake. But instead of putting their hands up in the air and admitting that they made the mistake, Obama and Hillary are changing the history to alter their failed legacy. This is what the Left does and they own the media so they can. It’s in our schools, colleges and it’s going to make us forget the past so we will inevitably fall into the same shit hole again.

A perfect example.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Socialism does not work! Look around the world. Venezuela! USSR! Do they teach what’s wrong with socialism in schools?! NO!

Image result for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez They erase this from the curriculum so our future generations will try it again and these knuckleheads will get voted in.

WAKE UP! You have a brain! USE IT! Stop listening to the damn TV. Put your phone down!

Hey President Trump! It Wasn’t Me

I Didn’t Write This Trash! But if I did…..

I would stand up and say I did it. This just smells like all of the other crap that spews out of the Left Wing which is still pissed off and in denial that they ran with a terrible candidate and lost. Trust me, I know the Right would be slamming Hillary Clinton if she had won and there would be calls for every legal option to get her out of office too. I get it. But, this undermines a sitting President and the respect the position deserves. Whether you like Trump or not if you have something to say be stand up enough to put your hand in the air when you do it. If this was truly written by a ‘High Level’ individual in the Trump administration, you should resign.

We the People voted to have Trump lead our Nation. That in itself negates your comments that you are ‘We The People’. What you are saying to me and others is you believe we as a majority were wrong and incapable of governing ourselves and your group of “Trump Appointees” will save us from ourselves. You may have watched Nicholas Cage and National Treasure a few too many times because it seems you have read the words of the Deceleration of Independence incorrectly.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments
long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the 
same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, 
it is their right, it is their duty, to throwoff such Government, 
and to provide new Guards for their future security.

I’m not seeing President Trump and his long train of abuses. I see the Left, the Clinton’s, Obama, Pelosi and all of the others who get rich off their appointed powers fighting to keep it. Where is your critique and your willingness to throw them out as you tout the Declaration of Independence under your breath. Where is your indictment against their abuses against We The People. You may, in your delusion, see these abuses and that’s your right but, if you are to gather others in an attempt to forward your cause you must speak up and raise your hand. Inserting your self righteous babble into the slimy hands of the New York Times proves your cowardous. Look in the mirror. You’re owned by the Left.

With that said, if you think anyone outside of the Left Wing will believe anything you say you must show your face and speak what you believe. Only the Left crazies will blindly follow you and you know it and it is why this was released as anonymous.

It is my opinion that our Fore Fathers fought off the likes of you and your co-conspirators and they are the ones who gave you the right to say these things. In other countries your head would  be high on a spike by now.

You have a brain. You have a platform. You have no balls.


My pfSense Firewall Build

I have a substantial network system for my house.  From dual Xeon workstations, MAC’s, PC’s, managed switches, over 50 TB of NAS based storage, CNC based machine toolsHaving some background in systems administration I tend to tinker around and seem to be updating constantly.  I like to make things and figure out how to do it. Sometimes I think I do it just as an exercise for my brain.

The biggest issue I deal with is the cost of equipment and software. I came from large corporations and led development projects so playing with the latest greatest was the norm. Now that I am required to pay for it all my focus shifted to open source and community driven designs and applications….

taking a break

My NAS Build

I have a pretty good network in my home and am constantly updating it. Nerding.

It’s what I like to do.

Here’s a link to one of my current projects:

FreeNAS Build


Cory Booker (D-NJ)

Cory “Spartacus” Booker (D-NJ)

Image result for spartacusImage result for cory booker

Image result for cory bookerImage result for cory booker

You shouldn’t have said it when it wasn’t true. It just put you into the category with all your other left wing knuckleheads. You’re smart articulate and in a position to do good things and the Republicans caught and called you on your Spartacus bluff. Dumb move! Good Luck with Kamala Harris in 2020.

You’ll be know from now on as Spartacus. It wont be in a good way!

Kavanaugh’s Confirmation, It’s Going to Happen!

Image result for confirmation hearings

I was really excited to watch this. I wanted to listen and really see who was the hack and who was an idiot. I didn’t really think there would be any hero’s considering the current landscape of our political system.

It’s interesting to listen to the Democrats whine and cry that Republicans have the fix in. They seem to stall and threaten at almost every turn. Here’s a couple things that jumped out to me. Republicans won the election. Get over it.

Image result for kavanaughKavanaugh is going to get confirmed. It’s the way it works and the numbers are with the Republicans.If the Democrats were in power they would be confirming an individual that would stack the deck in their favor. Again it’s the way it works. You win the election you get to call the play. Simple.  I can visualize Republicans whining and crying if the tables were turned. They did it constantly when Obama was President. Have we forgotten the tears of John Boehner? Now we watch him singing in a golf cart thankful to be away from the swamp. I’d be singing and playing golf too!

I wonder how many Democrats would actually vote for Kavanaugh if they didn’t have their party whips and elections hovering over them.

Republicans threw softballs, expected, while Democrats threw spitballs, also expected.

Charles SchumerChuck Schumer is a little spoiled kid and acts like it’s his first day in kindergarten and the bully takes his ball away. I know you are but what am I?




Image result for confirmation hearings

Booker (Sparticus! Really!) and Harris are positioning for a Presidential run in 2020. Booker fell on a fake sword, grandstanded, grandstanded again…and got caught in a ruse. Classic! The face of the Democratic Party. Booker/Harris 2020. That was almost as embarrassing as Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren and Nancy Pelosi combined. Not really but I was trying to be funny.

Can you hear Trump yelling “Bring It!”

Image result for maxine watersImage result for elizabeth warrenImage result for nancy pelosi

Image result for senator blumenthalBlumenthal has absolutely no credibility for me and should not be there. However, I can only imagine how really smart he is. Countered by how stupid his lies about his time in Viet Nam were. I was “misunderstood” does not fly with that lie. Of all the lies politicians could tell that’s definitely the one you shouldn’t. Rule one for me. Don’t ever, ever disrespect any of the men or women who lay their life on the line for us. EVER!





Image result for senator leeSenator Lee (R) Utah really impressed me as a well spoken, calm kind of guy. He spoke clearly and eloquently and didn’t rattle along. He didn’t spin and didn’t light up Booker when he absolutely could/should have. He spoke with him behind the cameras and worked out a deal.

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