I Didn’t Write This Trash! But if I did…..

I would stand up and say I did it. This just smells like all of the other crap that spews out of the Left Wing which is still pissed off and in denial that they ran with a terrible candidate and lost. Trust me, I know the Right would be slamming Hillary Clinton if she had won and there would be calls for every legal option to get her out of office too. I get it. But, this undermines a sitting President and the respect the position deserves. Whether you like Trump or not if you have something to say be stand up enough to put your hand in the air when you do it. If this was truly written by a ‘High Level’ individual in the Trump administration, you should resign.

We the People voted to have Trump lead our Nation. That in itself negates your comments that you are ‘We The People’. What you are saying to me and others is you believe we as a majority were wrong and incapable of governing ourselves and your group of “Trump Appointees” will save us from ourselves. You may have watched Nicholas Cage and National Treasure a few too many times because it seems you have read the words of the Deceleration of Independence incorrectly.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments
long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the 
same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, 
it is their right, it is their duty, to throwoff such Government, 
and to provide new Guards for their future security.

I’m not seeing President Trump and his long train of abuses. I see the Left, the Clinton’s, Obama, Pelosi and all of the others who get rich off their appointed powers fighting to keep it. Where is your critique and your willingness to throw them out as you tout the Declaration of Independence under your breath. Where is your indictment against their abuses against We The People. You may, in your delusion, see these abuses and that’s your right but, if you are to gather others in an attempt to forward your cause you must speak up and raise your hand. Inserting your self righteous babble into the slimy hands of the New York Times proves your cowardous. Look in the mirror. You’re owned by the Left.

With that said, if you think anyone outside of the Left Wing will believe anything you say you must show your face and speak what you believe. Only the Left crazies will blindly follow you and you know it and it is why this was released as anonymous.

It is my opinion that our Fore Fathers fought off the likes of you and your co-conspirators and they are the ones who gave you the right to say these things. In other countries your head would  be high on a spike by now.

You have a brain. You have a platform. You have no balls.
