Even me, a basic guy living in small town USA can out think this wing nut! Go figure.

Image result for alexandria ocasio-cortezHuh? Duhhhhh. I didn’t know that.

Here again I ask you to pick up a history book.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stated “It is well past time we eliminate the Electoral College, a shadow of slavery’s power on America today that undermines our nation as a democratic republic,”

She’s an idiot. Did you read any history lessons? Did you even go to the class? Study American Politics? Hello! Bueller! You’re running for office you dumb shit! At least know what your talking about before you open your mouth. How’s that manicured foot tasting?

Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery. We knew that. He broke the cycle of slavery in the United States of America. Popular guy right?

Did you also know he was elected the President of those same United States of America BY the same Electoral College she is saying was a pillar of slavery in the United States. He lost the popular vote!

Oh wait! She’s voting to bring back Socialism. She wants to eliminate all those lessons so our kids will forget them and she can spew her crap to the idiot lemmings.
