Image result for confirmation hearings

I was really excited to watch this. I wanted to listen and really see who was the hack and who was an idiot. I didn’t really think there would be any hero’s considering the current landscape of our political system.

It’s interesting to listen to the Democrats whine and cry that Republicans have the fix in. They seem to stall and threaten at almost every turn. Here’s a couple things that jumped out to me. Republicans won the election. Get over it.

Image result for kavanaughKavanaugh is going to get confirmed. It’s the way it works and the numbers are with the Republicans.If the Democrats were in power they would be confirming an individual that would stack the deck in their favor. Again it’s the way it works. You win the election you get to call the play. Simple.  I can visualize Republicans whining and crying if the tables were turned. They did it constantly when Obama was President. Have we forgotten the tears of John Boehner? Now we watch him singing in a golf cart thankful to be away from the swamp. I’d be singing and playing golf too!

I wonder how many Democrats would actually vote for Kavanaugh if they didn’t have their party whips and elections hovering over them.

Republicans threw softballs, expected, while Democrats threw spitballs, also expected.

Charles SchumerChuck Schumer is a little spoiled kid and acts like it’s his first day in kindergarten and the bully takes his ball away. I know you are but what am I?




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Booker (Sparticus! Really!) and Harris are positioning for a Presidential run in 2020. Booker fell on a fake sword, grandstanded, grandstanded again…and got caught in a ruse. Classic! The face of the Democratic Party. Booker/Harris 2020. That was almost as embarrassing as Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren and Nancy Pelosi combined. Not really but I was trying to be funny.

Can you hear Trump yelling “Bring It!”

Image result for maxine watersImage result for elizabeth warrenImage result for nancy pelosi

Image result for senator blumenthalBlumenthal has absolutely no credibility for me and should not be there. However, I can only imagine how really smart he is. Countered by how stupid his lies about his time in Viet Nam were. I was “misunderstood” does not fly with that lie. Of all the lies politicians could tell that’s definitely the one you shouldn’t. Rule one for me. Don’t ever, ever disrespect any of the men or women who lay their life on the line for us. EVER!





Image result for senator leeSenator Lee (R) Utah really impressed me as a well spoken, calm kind of guy. He spoke clearly and eloquently and didn’t rattle along. He didn’t spin and didn’t light up Booker when he absolutely could/should have. He spoke with him behind the cameras and worked out a deal.