OK! I’m embarrassed. We voted for these morons!

I’m embarrassed how my government works. How far the two sides of our government/society are willing to go to advance their agenda. How many of us can claim total innocence all the way back to high school. Be honest. Can you?

Where were all of these people when Kavanaugh was appointed to the District Court over twelve years ago? Where were they when the hearings first began? They are being created by politicians on an ‘as needed’ basis. They will be disgraced, dismissed and discarded in the end. They’ll fade back into obscurity. Just as the Left has it planned. These people are being used, even if they are right or wrong and telling the truth, they are being used and will get discarded in the end. It’s our society. We made this shit up!

Where were all of these people when Bill Clinton stuck a cigar up Monica Lewinski’s vagina while he was in the White House? In the Oval Office!! These are the same people who slammed Monica Lewinski! They made it all her fault! The covered it all up and said it was OK. It’s the same thing. They’re still doing it! It’s called getting Borked. It all happened before. Put your fucking phone down and pick up a history book!

Here’s what I see.

  • The Left hates Trump. More over they hate the Right’s ideology. It’s working.
  • The Right hates the Left and it’s ideology. It’s not working.
  • The Left knows if Trump gets Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court it will potentially stack the court for decades and they are willing to go to any means to stop it. Even if it means sacrificing short term goals. It’s they’re ‘Spartacus Moment’! Thanks Cory Booker for that phrase!
  • It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh’s background. It’s simply a way to stall off the vote until after the mid-term elections that the Left believes will give them back either the Senate or House and then they can stop Trump’s agenda.

This is what we are now. This is what we have driven our society to become. We are based on slander and innuendo which never needs to be proven. We are letting our society dissolve into a media controlled and manipulated bucket of slanderous shit. Nothing needs to be proven or retracted.

Every IT nerd out there is thinking they’ll never get a date because they will get sued if they even ask someone else out or show any interest at all.

I cant ever run for any office, not that I ever would, simply because I did cop a feel! I did touch her ass. I did have sex with a girl in high school. I did say stupid teenager shit that would now get me disgraced in the public court. I did! I was a stupid adolescent, testosterone filled male idiot. Who fucking cares. It was the 60’s and 70’s hell yes I did it!

How about it. Can you claim innocence and purity since the day you were born? I’m guessing here but thinking not.