
You have to wonder where the money is coming from to pay off all the idiots who are coming out of the woodwork to oppose the Kavanaugh confirmation. Trust me, it’s going to get worse. The Kennedy Supreme Court seat that’s vacant is really that important.

It’s about money. What did they offer Senator Flake? You know they did it.

All this costs money and there are only a handful of fringe Leftist individuals/groups who could actually line up all of the dots, connect them together, and understand the long term affect that the confirmation of a strict constitutionalist onto the Supreme Court would have. Oh, and pay for this whole circus while covering it up. The jackasses who block elevators and hold signs in front of restaurants are just lemmings that get a scrap here and there. There’s not a single brain cell among them.

Example: Dr. Blassey Ford. They used her and they’ll toss her back more distraught and shredded than ever. If she actually thinks that her troubles regarding her past are finally behind her and she can move forward with her life, she is surely mistaken. Her shit just started. It will never end. I believed her story, maybe not the who part, but she believed it and that’s what made me have empathy for her. They’ll shred her. Both sides.

I found a report that described the trail of money ending at an ex-Clinton staffer emanating from non other than Left Wing extremist George Soros routed through multiple layers of non profit corporations to hide the source.

Go figure. Soros and the Clintons. The Left wing’s bank manager and the orchestrators. You know the ‘California Bullet Train to Nowhere’ Feinstien’s are padding their retirements off of this Soros money too. What did they get out of it!

Liberals! Don’t get your panties in a bunch! This shit happens on the Right too! I’m not talking about the middle of either party. I’m talking about the fringes. They exist on the sphincter of both parties. The same sphincter muscle that wrote that shit filled Op-Ed for the NY Times, although that might have been a small piece of shit stuck to the sphincter itself.

Soros and the Clinton’s are involved in all of this. Go figure. The Clinton’s have been really quite during this whole process and it made me wonder when their name would seep up from the cesspool of shit and taint the whole process. They’ve been in it all along! They would fully understand what it would do to the current and future of the nation. Who else but a guy that stuck a cigar up a woman’s tush would dream this shit up. People are worried about the possibility, possibility people, of a fourteen year old high school boy touching a girl’s booby at a party but then take the knee for a guy who was proven to have cigar banged a woman in the Oval Office, What the fuck is wrong with people!

They are so hell bent on power they have no issues with shredding anyone. Ford, Kavanaugh, Judge, Lewinski, Trump. Anyone who stands in the way is only an obstacle. They don’t care about anybody and will screw individuals or groups opposing them into a mashed pulp in a whim and without even losing a breath or moment of sleep.

Someone to admire, so far, is Mark Judge. He had a problem and dealt with it. I commend him on that and wish him all the sobriety he can gulp down. Hold your ground. Call your sponsor! Go to a meeting!

Alcoholics Anonymous

I need to go puke….and it ain’t from drinking to much playing ‘Triangles’ with my buddies.

Yup! I did touch her booby!