Tell them it didn’t happen!Image result for date of benghazi attack

OMG! I felt sick to my stomach when I heard the words come out of Obama’s mouth. I’m embarrassed and scared all at the same time. Embarrassed that our country would allow this to happen, embarrassed that our media allows it to happen and scared shitless that our kids will not even know it happened.

Image result for date of benghazi attackThe Left is writing them off to erase a mistake. Yup, I said it. It was a mistake. But instead of putting their hands up in the air and admitting that they made the mistake, Obama and Hillary are changing the history to alter their failed legacy. This is what the Left does and they own the media so they can. It’s in our schools, colleges and it’s going to make us forget the past so we will inevitably fall into the same shit hole again.

A perfect example.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Socialism does not work! Look around the world. Venezuela! USSR! Do they teach what’s wrong with socialism in schools?! NO!

Image result for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez They erase this from the curriculum so our future generations will try it again and these knuckleheads will get voted in.

WAKE UP! You have a brain! USE IT! Stop listening to the damn TV. Put your phone down!