I feel for everyone on the East Coast this week. Sucks. What a price to pay to live where you want to live. There are so many sides to this away from the human element.

The media just feeds on it. Devastation and death, and Trump of course! With that in mind I’m sure this is his fault somehow. It will be connected to him lightening the restrictions on coal power and in turn global warming in turn….it’s his fault. He’s a goofy guy sometimes but to have the entire left wing media, except Fox, gunning for you has got to be hard. I don’t think Obama could have done it. Hillary. Enough said. They can’t even admit to Benghazi. Can you imagine the smoke screen trying to cover up a hurricane!

I hear people complain about Trump and I can get them to shut up 90% of the time with a single question. Would you rather have Hillary? The true blue Hillary lemmings, you know them, they’re still crying, will follow the Clinton’s off the cliff.

Wait! A thought!

I thought there were a shit load of Trump haters that were going to leave the country if he won? What happened? Rosie’s still here. Bahar is still here. Shit! It didn’t work.

Good Luck Carolina’s, Georgian’s and all who are in harms way. Don’t be stupid, don’t take dumb risks and hold the hell on. If there’s one thing this country is good at it’s helping each other when we’re in trouble. You can donate to the Red Cross by clicking the link below. Don’t be a schmuck. A couple bucks won’t kill you. Just think of the stupid shit you spend money on. Sell your aluminum cans or something.