Parts started showing up for the NAS build! Yay. Bad part is all I get to do at this point is look at them, The balance are due today so tonight I can actually start assembling the box.

Patience is watching 9 TB of data being moved around to free up the first set of drives I need to install in the new system. It’s like watching grass grow. Thankfully I stacked a few projects together and knew I would be waiting for parts to ship. But OMG it takes forever.

I pulled extra cables from my home lab setup into the house. One went to the AV cabinet and one into my office. They will be the link between the switches on their own VLAN which I can then route. The idea was to isolate heavy load transfer such as video or music away from normal use data. It will be nice having a 10 GB backbone when I begin moving the data from the other NAS boxes I plan to scavenge disks from.

I pulled all of the unused wire from behind my AV cabinet and was pleased with the result. It’s now a smaller rats nest than before. Only color coded. I swapped out all the mismatched patch cables with black ones except for critical ones which I kept colored. Red for critical, yellow for interconnects and black for devices. I had to laugh when I did it thinking I’m the only one that knows where all this shit goes and someone looking would think it’s just a rats nest of wire and cable. To me it’s cool, so there!


So it’s early Saturday morning. I’m kind off feeling let down. A negative about living in a small town and leaving the 24/7/365 lifestyle of Southern California is that Amazon doesn’t deliver same day. Hell I think they have to pay extra to get some dumb ass to drive through the desert to bring shit here! Hazard pay!

I’m down to waiting on two orders, one being additional RAM which I could go forward with what I have to do the initial testing of the system. The other is the two SSD drives that will hold the OS. That’s a show stopper! All dressed up and nowhere to go.

Offloading the first of three NAS boxes I had was a true lesson in patience. It ran almost the entire day and finished up last night. I stripped off the trays and loaded the drives in the new case. I save all kinds of stuff and was able to use two colors of SATA cables red for the SSD OS drives and blue for the data pool drives. It’s cool looking and it’s mine so say what you want about color coding the SATA cables. I don’t care.